Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mentos Ad

Making the ad for mentos was fun. We basicly did the same thing as the Little Red Riding Hood movie, but this time is was an ad. we also needed to have some kind of live action.
1. We had to make a script and treatment.
2. We had to get pictures and minipulate them in photoshop.
3. We had to do the audio.
4. Put in some live action.
5. Edit.

15 Seconds of Fame

15 seconds of fame was really, really fun! These were the steps:
1. First we had to find an image we wanted to put ourselves into (from the internet.)
2. Next, we had to get a picture taken of ourselves in the pose we wanted.
3. Then we took that picture and put it on the the picture from the internet.
4. After that, we took the cloning tool to help us blend in and look like we were actually supposed to be in the picture.
5. Lastly, we made final touches and made sure the URL was on the picture.

Monday, March 19, 2007

My Digital Story

Making another version of Little Red Riding Hood was so cool!
Here's how we did it...

1) The first step was pre- production. In this we had to write a treatment (a paragraph of what the story is going to be about.)
2) Then we had to write a script or a word by word story of what we are going to say.
3) After that we make a story board, in other words, a drawing of all the scenes we are going to have.
4) Now we come to production. In production, we have to find images and use photoshop to change some of them.
5) The next step to production is to get music and audio for our digital story.
6) The last step is to edit our digital story publish it.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

12 of me!

Hi, this is called '12 of me'. It was really cool! First I took a picture of myself from a file and duplicated it 11 times, each on a different layer. After I had finished doing that and naming them, I went to filter. I made every single picture in a different style. I didn't like some of them so I would press cancel. A lot of them were really blurry and it would be hard to tell it was me. It was a lot of fun trying different 'filters' and picking the one I liked best for my picture.

Monday, February 19, 2007

A Whole New Me!

Hi! This is another picture I have made using adobe photoshop. I really enjoyed it! A picture was taken of me and then saved on the computer. I took that picture, cut it out and pasted it on another document. I then went to 'liquify' and used the bloat tool to make something look bigger (I used it for my eye) and the pucker tool to make something look smaller(I used it for my teeth). The last one was my favorite. It was the nudge tool. In that, I could pull something and distort it. I used it to make my (gray) hair look longer. Lastly, I went to 'adjust hue/saturation' to make my hair look gray instead of black. I also used it to make my skin color darker. It's a whole new me!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Sports Snowman

Hi, this is my sports snow man. I made him on adobe photoshop. I made him by using the circle marquee tool. I used the circle marquee tool for all the snowballs of the snowman. For each part of the snow man I to add another layer. I had nine layers in total. I then made the snowman the color of the AES Falcons (red and black.) After that I used the layer styles tab and made the three snowballs have cool effects.